True Blue Charmer

Monday, April 18, 2011

Give Thanks . . . With a Grateful Heart

139. Celebrating the birthday of our sweet daughter and seeing her enjoy her day and her friends

140. Celebrating my Mom's birthday today with her and some of her church friends

141. Praise music to push through being too tired to get rolling today!

142. Good friends and good conversation

143. Help for allergies!

144. Quiet times for prayer and reading

145. A clean house:) For a minute:)

146. Being asked by my 92 year old grandmother to drop her off at a friends house for a luncheon ~ too cute!

147. Sweet tea with raspberry over ice

148. Serving

149. People who lift you up and sharpen your faith

150. Clean sheets and warm towels


Twinside Out said...

Hi! I'm stopping in from Ann's.

Thank you for sharing your list! I love the title - one of my favorite praise songs, and I am sure I will be singing it through the day now.

My favorites are #146 (your grandmother sounds like a hoot!) and #143 - help for allergies!! The season is definitely upon us, and I am so glad you have found relief!

Kim said...

Thank you for the visit:) Love the song too!
Yes, my grandmother is a hoot for sure. Been out to lunch twice this week with her friends. Her social life is often busier than mine! lol
And allergy season is surely upon us. *Sniff*