True Blue Charmer

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Shining in the Darkness

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

These are pictures of the lighthouse on Sanibel Island. It was first lit in 1884 and still shines today. It's a nice little destination for many people that visit Sanibel. We would see the dolphins in the water near the lighthouse every evening.
It made me think of Jesus ~ The Light of the World. He shines like a beacon for all, leading and guiding them through all kinds of waters. Through the calm, through the storms as well.
We can also think of ourselves as lighthouses if we are in Christ. A lighthouse can't steer the ship but it can guide it with it's light! It is then up to the captain to heed the warning not to travel in the direction of the rocks. So we, as believers can only shine our lights and do our best to show others the way home.
We must also be sure that our light is one that is not dim, but is strong, and leading the path in the right direction, by our own actions. How easily could we lead someone astray if our light isn't shining the way it should be.

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