True Blue Charmer

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

~ "Oh How He Loves Us" ~

Proverbs  8:17 ~  "I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me."

This morning I looked out my slider, onto my deck and saw this perfect little heart left from the snow that had fallen last night. When I woke up, the deck was covered in a 1/2 inch of sparkling snow.  And now, this is what is left of it.  A perfect heart.  I was reminded of the song "Oh How He Loves Us."  We are reminded of this daily, but sometimes don't take the time to stop and see the love He has for us.
It also reminded me that His timing is perfect! I went back five minutes later, and the heart had almost completely melted away.  It was meant for me, in that moment to see this.  I am thankful for this little gift and reminder today!
Take time today to look around you and see what He has placed before you.  Beauty is there, and His love is shining at us always, if only we would stop long enough to feel it.

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