True Blue Charmer

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Rejoice in Hope ~

HOPE ~ a strong and confident expectation; to trust;  the act of hoping stresses two things ~ futurity and invisibility.  Things we cannot see and have not yet received. But we have the certainty that what God has promised will happen, according to His word.

We often throw around the word "Hope".  I hope it rains, I hope it doesn't rain, I hope I sleep well, I hope can do this or do that.  But Hope is so much deeper than that. 

We serve a God of Hope. He is the source of all hope, and without Him we have no hope. Hopelessness is a very strong word.  It means we have absolutely no expectation of a good outcome or of success, no remedy, no cure, incapable of redemption.  What a poor state to have that feeling of hopelessness! I think of that feeling, and how empty we have to get to have such a feeling that there is absolutely no hope, we are in absolute, utter despair. I am so thankful that Jesus has given us a true Hope! I never want to feel the feeling of utter hopelessness.  

One Biblical translation of Hope that I found is that it often translated into something strengthened by being bound together.  Think of a rope, that is bound so well that it can stretch and will not break.  It can endure the weight as it is stretched and pulled. Hope is like that rope.  Trusting in an unbreakable promise.  True Hope in the things in His word, and His promises are to be our confident assurance. 

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

The Word tells us to "Rejoice in Hope".

We can rejoice, knowing that our Hope is in Him and that He loves us and cares for us and hears our petitions. 

There seems to be so many burdens on my heart right now.  So many are going though trials.  Things can get clouded and seem uncertain. The storms of life come and we can feel shaken and tossed about. 

But Hope is something that we can cling to. Thinking of Hebrews 6:19 ~ "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast." It brings my mind to the translation of hope being like a rope.  I picture that anchor weighted on the rope that is stretching but will not break.  The rough waters and storms may come, but the anchor is held through it all. The anchor trusts that the rope is sure. 

That is the Hope that we have ~ it is so sure, so strong, so steadfast that we can rest in Him. Cling to that rope ~ it is sure!  "Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;"
Do not give up Hope, dear one! Continue to pray and trust and rejoice! He will not leave you ~ He is your Hope, your Assurance, your all in all.  

In His Love ~ Kim
"With Jesus in Her Heart, and Coffee in Her Cup" 

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