a : approval, favor;
s>b archaic : mercy, pardon disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemencyc : a temporary exemption : reprieve
Grace ~ God's unmerited favor.
Some of the definitions I found for the word GRACE. I think often about the grace of our holy God. Love and mercy not because we deserve it or have done anything to earn it, but because God wants us to have His grace. His love shown to the unlovely. Him reaching down to us, when we don't deserve it.
Of course the most beautiful and amazing form of grace is that given to us by Jesus Christ! But grace is something we can also show to others. I have seen grace and I have been given grace ~ not only by God, but from others. Then I have seen the times when those around me are not so free with grace. I have been hurt by believers who seem wronged by something that they can't even explain or probably don't even know themselves, and yet have shown no mercy and grace. Bitterness, jealousy, discontentment of heart ~ all things that people use to size up where someone else should stand in their lives. Things that they use to put a wall up between them and others, and when those feelings are there, the devil uses that foothold and no grace is shown.
Are there people in your life that you have shown little mercy or grace to? Maybe they've never even hurt you, but your own unhappiness has you comparing yourself and for that reason, you do not show that person love or mercy or grace. Maybe you have been treated this way. I have had relationships where I don't understand what happened, but suddenly my "Christian" friend is not longer there for me. I think one of the meanest things you can do to a brother or sister in Christ is to suddenly pull away when the person doesn't even know what offense they may have done. We absolutely cannot offer salvation to those around us, but we can show grace to them, whether we feel they deserve it or not. Give it freely, as it has been freely given to you. It is not by your hands, but by the mercy of a loving God.
The Lord gives us grace, though we don't deserve it at all, and as recipients of that, we should be walking in grace and be vessels of grace to others. The word says to us "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all."
I will try to show grace and mercy to others, and I will pray for those who in their own selfishness, cannot show the Grace that our God has given to them. Grace is a high calling. It is something that we need to live in, most importantly when we are not feeling it from those around us. The Lord bountifully covers us in His perfect grace, even when we are most undeserving.
To me, today I am beyond thankful for the grace of God. I can hardly comprehend it. What does He require of me? Of us? This scripture has always resounded in my mind and I pray that it is something that I can remember when my flesh isn't merciful and showing grace. "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)
What does grace look like to you? To me it is the most beautiful thing that we can show to others through our own lives and our actions. We paint a picture of Christ through the way we treat others. Today is a new canvas and you have the beautiful gift of Grace if you are in Christ ~ show that same gift to those around you.
In His Love ~ Kim
"With Jesus in Her Heart, and Coffee in Her Cup"