True Blue Charmer

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Beach Day ~

On Tuesday I got to spend a wonderful day at the ocean.  This is one of my favorite places on earth! Anywhere by the ocean is always so relaxing and beautiful for me.  I am reminded in each sight and sound of the glory of God in all that He has created. Not sure how one could sit and take it in, and yet deny a Holy God ~ Creator of all.   And spending it with my daughter, daughter-in-law and granddaughter? Icing on the cake!

"The Love of God" is a favorite hymn of mine.  The visuals that it gives are so stirring and vivid.  I think of this and many other beautiful songs as I sit and watch the waves come and go. The intensity of each one is so strong, and yet there is also a time when it is calm and quiet.  Just like His all encompassing love for His own. He loves His children oh so much that the vastness of it can hardly be imagined.  There is no greater love than this ~ we should be diligent in sharing His love with others so that a hurting world can also feel the greatness of his tender mercies.

  1. "Could we with ink the ocean fill,
    And were the skies of parchment made,
    Were every stalk on earth a quill,
    And every man a scribe by trade;
    To write the love of God above
    Would drain the ocean dry;
    Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
    Though stretched from sky to sky."

In His Love ~ Kim
"With Jesus in Her Heart, and Coffee in Her Cup" 

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