True Blue Charmer

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Repurposing Furniture ~

Our tv room tends to be the hang out area for the kids. We got a new tv a couple of years ago, and we needed something underneath it to hold the DirecTv box, etc. I moved this small table temporarily out of the family room into here to house the box. It slowly became a too-small junk collector for the kids and all of their DVD's, etc. I've looked for new pieces of furniture every time I go to Home Goods, etc., and nothing has jumped out at me. Last week, I pulled into the garage and noticed a piece of furniture that had been packed away in there since winter from a storage auction that my husband went to. I decided it was the perfect size to house our DVD's, DVD player, DirecTv box and other miscellaneous items. I painted it black and moved it in over the weekend. I love it! I purchased a cord organizer that attached to the wall, and houses all of the ugly cords, so now to get my hubby to help me install that:) He and the boys don't think it's necessary, but I can't stand looking at all of the cords, and it's bothered me since the TV was initially hung:) Hopefully on Saturday, as it looks like a rainy day.

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