True Blue Charmer

Monday, April 4, 2011

Give Thanks . . . . With a Grateful Heart

112. A wonderful, sunny, relaxing vacation

113. Safety while doing so much driving for three weeks

114. Fresh paint

115. New canisters for my pantry ~ trying to do spring cleaning:)

116. The snow has melted ~ again!

117. The phone ringing for jobs for hubby and I

118. The bluebirds are back at our feeders

119. A clean bill of health for a friend

120. Routine:) Can be a good thing sometimes! After a long vacation, routine feels good.

121. The cross ~ the sacrifice ~ thinking on this

122. Been listening to this song a lot lately and the lyrics are amazing, and something sometiems hard to comprehend! "I am the thorn in Your crown ~ But You love me anyway ~ I am the sweat from Your brow ~ But You love me anyway ~ I am the nail in Your wrist ~ But You love me anyway ~ I am Judas’ kiss ~ But You love me anyway."


EM said...

just yesterday while fighting feelings of insignificance I realized the answer is not in being convinced of my importance, but of seeing my smallness, my depravity without Christ, and realizing that God reached out and continues to reach out to me in Christ. And my discouragement melts when I esteem God. Those lyrics hint this to me again. Your list oozes spring and life and hope! blessings.

Kelly Hallahan said...

oh, how He loves us! the cross- such wild grace! is there anything else that inspires such gratitude?