True Blue Charmer

Monday, February 21, 2011

Give Thanks . . . With A Grateful Heart

51. Fresh maple syrup made by hubby

52. A visit at church from a Gideons speaker ~ amazing testimonies

53. Sleeping in and waking up to sunshine and fresh coffee

54. Kids quietly doing their school

55. His timing is right . . . and learning to wait for it

56. This quote from the speaker yesterday, such a great reminder from the Word. "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

57. Inspiration

58. A reminder to trust

59. Visiting in the sugarhouse and that wonderful smell of sap boiling down to sweet, rich syrup

60. Hubby home today, kids all here


Craig said...

I know it’s not Ann’s Multitude Monday anymore – it’s Thursday – but there are just a whole lot of gratitude lists to get through!

First – my fave from your list was 60. Hubby home today, kids all here (I’m guessing that this doesn’t happen often – it’s all about family. No?)

Thank you for this – made me smile.

God Bless you and all of yours this day.

Kim said...

You're right . .. doesn't happen often with some "older" kids.
Thank You, and God Bless you as well:)