When I saw Beth Moore in Lowell, she had a wonderful, timely topic. "Rediscover the Lost Art of Treasuring." This is a VERY brief synopsis of what she taught. I am not very eloquent at condensing it from all of my notes to this tiny version, but wanted to share a few bits and pieces. So bear with me if it makes no sense! I know God had us there that day for a purpose, and maybe only I can understand what I have here.
She began by ready from Luke. The story of the birth of Jesus. In verse 19 of Chapter 2, it reads: "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Again in verse 51 it reads: "Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart."
These are such interesting things to pick up in the Word. It states in verse 18: "and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them." Beth pointed out that others were amazed by what was being told, but Mary treasured up these things, and she pondered them in her heart. She realized their importance.
The Greek word for this is "syntereo", which means to hold or treasure up in ones memory. To guard, to keep, preserve, keep safe, keep close. God is giving us treasures and we need to learn the ability to treasure something. "Because God himself treasures, and we are created in His image."
Beth reminded us to treasure a moment ~ to tuck it into your heart. There are many treasures out there waiting for us. If it's to be a treasure, your heart must be involved in it. It will not qualify as a treasure until it makes it into our hearts! It must have an emotional attachment to it ~ You must wrap your heart around it. There are people speaking treasure over you and we must learn to listen!
Beth said that many treasures strung together may bring healing to us, and that where there is one treasure, there could be many. Matthew 13:44-45 tells us the Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl. When a treasure was found, the man sold all he had to buy that field, because he knew where one treasure was, there were probably many.
Beth reminded us that the fine art of treasuring has gotten lost in the same trash as our time. We don't HAVE time, or TAKE the time, to treasure anything! We need to slow down and treasure! We are missing out on treasures because we are all living on fumes, living till we run out, and not taking the time to stop and treasure.
She also taught us that if we look past any hardship and pain in our lives, then we are minimizing our treasure. This is where hard heartedness can block healing and we guard our own hearts against treasures. God has treasures of purpose for us He will bring glory and redemption and healing from our hardships. "Walk by faith, not by sight." "When you make it through something that should of broken you, that is when the all surpassing power of Christ has overtaken your vessel."
It is a risk to treasure people! She told us that the only people we truly treasure, are the ones that we are so close to, that if a sword pierces through them, it will pierce your own soul as well.
She reminded us that anything can be treasured, and there are toxic treasures out there too! It could be treasuring things like bitterness, unforgiveness, mental strongholds, addition, etc. Where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also. Don't hold onto toxic treasures! Make room in your storage bin for divine treasure, lay down what is poisoning us or taking up our storage space!
In ending she said that when you feel like you've lost your treasure, look for Jesus! Read Colossians 2:2-3 "in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."
"We were meant to matter ~ given ears to hear, eyes to see. If we never learn to treasure, then we are left only with the obvious. For God never amazes us for amazement's sake. There is always something in it to treasure. Amazement doesn't change us, what is the message behind it that He is trying to give you?"
Do take the time to slow down and treasure! Place those treasures in your heart!
Sounds like something I need to practice. Awesome message!
It was an awesome weekend:) Good words:)
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