True Blue Charmer

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Remembering Grandma ~ Where the Roses Never Fade

Today is the day that Grandma died. Tomorrow would of been her birthday. Oh how I miss her. She was such an inspiration to me. Her life was not always an easy one, but she lived through it all with strength and grace and never took her eyes off of the Lord. Her faith was amazing!
I first accepted Christ to be my Lord and Saviour at her church, when I was nine years old. I was attending Vacation Bible School. I remember they gave me a little blue pocket Bible afterwards. Through all my childhood years, I know the Lords hand was upon me and guiding me after that special day. I attended my childhood church, but always had a deeper sense of what Jesus had done, and always seemed to question when some of the leaders were compromising against what Bible taught.
Grandma was always there for her family. She so wanted to see all of her family join in the special relationship that she had with Christ. Even at her funeral, she made specific instructions that she wanted an altar call.
Over the years she gave me countless books for myself and my children. She always had a canvas tote filled to the brim with things that I might use for teaching the children. She loved to order them dozens of Christian "videos", and often gave me numerous ones as well. One of her favorites was the Gaithers. We have a fine collection of them.
She instilled a love of Southern Gospel music in me, and I can still see her tapping her toe in her rocking chair as she listened. She loved "Roses Will Bloom Again" and "Where the Roses Never Fade." People would constantly call them in to her church radio station in her honor. I believe the latter of the two was her actual favorite, but she loved them both.
In her final years her eyesight was almost completely gone due to her diabetes. She also had many other complications of diabetes, and a rare form of arthritis. It didn't stop her from getting to church every week and witnessing to people. She loved to share the gospel.
She was always someone I could count on and would do anything for her family and her church.
I miss all of our phone conversations and hearing her cheerful voice on the other end of the line. I miss the way she loved on the kids and all the babies ~ she couldn't get enough of them!
I know she is up in Heaven, on streets of gold, with eyes that can see and a body that doesn't hurt anymore, just waiting to greet us all. I love you Grandma!

Where the Roses Never Fade

I am going to a city,
Where the streets with gold are laid;
Where the tree of life is blooming
And the roses never fade.

Here they bloom but for a season
Soon their beauty is decayed.
I am going to a city,
Where the roses never fade.

In this world we have our troubles,
Satan snares we must evade.
We'll be free from all temptations;
Where the roses never fade.

Here they bloom but for a season
Soon their beauty is decayed.
I am going to a city,
Where the roses never fade.

Loved ones gone to be with Jesus,
In their robes of white arrayed;
Now are waiting for my coming,
Where the roses never fade.

Here they bloom but for a season
Soon their beauty is decayed.
I am going to a city,
Where the roses never fade.


Larslyan said...

What an awesome tribute! Love that song also. <3

Emily Krook said...

Awww....Kim you made me cry! I pray my Grandkids will look up to me the way we look up to her! Love you!

Kim said...

Awww thanks Em. Yes, it is definitely a wonderful legacy to try to be like she was, and live as she did. Love you too!